About Us

At Reneverse Energy Solutions, our team of solar energy experts has united to address gaps in quality, safety, efficiency, and affordability within the solar rooftop market. Our mission is to deliver a hassle-free solar experience by offering customized solutions that precisely match each consumer's unique needs.

We understand that solar adoption is not merely an immediate fix but a 25-year journey. With our expertise, we are fully equipped to guide and support you every step of the way.

Who Are We?

Solar rooftop experts

At Reneverse Energy Solutions, our team of solar energy experts has united to address gaps in quality, safety, efficiency, and affordability within the solar rooftop market. Our mission is to deliver a hassle-free solar experience by offering customized solutions that precisely match each consumer's unique needs. We understand that solar adoption is not merely an immediate fix but a 25-year journey. With our expertise, we are fully equipped to guide and support you every step of the way.

Vision, Mission & Values


To be recognized as the premier provider of trusted renewable energy solutions.


We aim to deliver affordable, safe, and efficient implementation of solar rooftop systems with a focus on quality.


  1. Engineer Highly Efficient Solutions: We strive to develop solutions that maximize energy efficiency.
  2. Cost Minimization through Expertise: We leverage our knowledge and experience to minimize costs without compromising quality.
  3. Implementation with Utmost Quality and Safety: We ensure that every installation meets the highest standards of quality and safety.
  4. Top-notch After-Sales Support: We are committed to providing excellent after-sales support to ensure maximum customer satisfaction.

Why Choose Us?

End-to-End Solution

From design and installation to securing DISCOM approvals and guiding you until your first bill, we provide a seamless experience.

Engineered & Customized Solutions

Each system is meticulously designed to meet the specific requirements of our customers.

Project Execution Team

Our team is highly trained and experienced, capable of successfully executing projects of all scales, including MW-scale installations.

Lifetime Support

We believe in nurturing long-term relationships with our clients, providing ongoing support throughout the lifespan of your solar system.

Quality, Safety, & Efficiency

Aligned with our Vision, Mission, and Values, we prioritize delivering solutions that excel in quality, safety, and efficiency.

Transparency & Integrity

We uphold transparency in our dealings. There are no hidden charges or surprises post-agreement — a deal made with us is a commitment you can trust.

About Solar

Solar power, also known as solar electricity, involves converting energy from sunlight into electricity using photovoltaics (PV). Solar panels utilize the photovoltaic effect to transform light into an electric current.

Humans began using solar energy as early as the 7th century B.C. by harnessing sunlight to ignite fires through the reflection of the sun's rays onto shiny objects. Subsequently, in the 3rd century B.C., the Greeks and Romans utilized mirrors to harness solar power for lighting torches during religious ceremonies.

In 1839, French physicist Edmond Becquerel, at the age of just 19, discovered the photovoltaic (PV) effect while conducting experiments with a cell composed of metal electrodes in a conducting solution. He observed that the cell generated more electricity when exposed to light, effectively creating a photovoltaic cell.

PV technology took a significant step forward in 1954 when Daryl Chapin, Calvin Fuller, and Gerald Pearson developed the silicon PV cell at Bell Labs. This innovation marked the advent of the first solar cell capable of absorbing and converting enough solar energy to power everyday electrical equipment.

By the end of the 20th century, advancements in engineering had made solar cells more affordable and easier to manufacture. Consequently, they began to proliferate on rooftops and in large solar farms, providing electricity for widespread use.

Why Solar?

Limitless and Clean Source of Energy

To provide context, Earth receives more energy from the sun in one hour than the entire world consumes in a year.

No Harmful Emissions or Byproducts

Installing every kilowatt peak (Kwp) of solar power offsets approximately 1.25 tonnes of CO2 annually, equivalent to planting 55 trees.

Minimal Maintenance

Apart from regular panel cleaning, solar systems require no other ongoing maintenance.

Reduced Electricity Bills

Generate your own electricity for 25 years at rates as low as Rs2 per unit.

Decreased Dependence on the Grid

Off-grid systems can provide power even when the main grid is unavailable.

Sound Investment

Residential solar systems can yield returns on investment (ROI) as high as 25%, while commercial and industrial systems can achieve up to 35% ROI.

Tax Benefits

Commercial establishments can benefit from accelerated depreciation (AD) by depreciating the asset by 40% per year, with an additional 20% in the first year if involved in manufacturing or production.

Have Questions? Call Us +91 8618474977

Let our experts guide you to a brighter, more sustainable future.